Everything you need to know about vacuum insulating glass:
Your guide to maximum insulation and energy savings

1. Excellent insulation value due to the low thermal conductivity

Vacuum glass has the highest insulation value of the existing types of glass. The vacuum between the glass panels minimizes heat transfer by conduction. This results in lower energy costs because less heat is lost in the winter and also in the summer when less heat comes in and the air conditioning can be turned down a notch.

2. Soundproofing for a quiet indoor environment

Vacuum glass not only insulates excellently against heat, this glass also blocks sound well. The medium for sound transmission is air. Vacuum stops sound from passing through the glass, and only vibrations through the glass and the glass edges, which is why vacuum glazing has a much lower sound transmission compared to normal glass. This creates a quieter indoor environment.

3. Ultra-thin profile, only 6 to 12 mm

Vacuum insulated glass is thinner than traditional insulating glass, which results in slimmer window profiles and a larger glass surface. This maximizes the amount of light entering buildings. Vacuum glass is 4x thinner than triple glass.

4. Suitable for existing window frames

Because the glass is so thin, vacuum insulation glass is suitable for existing frames. It is so thin that you can even place it in very old buildings. Do you want to place new windows with a high insulation value in a monument? Vacuum glass is the best choice. Always check whether a permit is required for this.

5. Light weight

Because there is no matter between the glass layers, the weight of the glass is significantly reduced, making it lighter compared to traditional insulating glass. This not only makes it easier to handle and install, but also suitable for applications where weight restrictions are an issue, such as structures with limited load-bearing capacity.

6. Viewing area

The viewing area of ​​vacuum insulated glass offers a unique viewing experience and stands out from traditional glass products. With its ultra-thin profile, vacuum glass offers an unparalleled view, blurring the line between inside and outside.

7. No condensation inside at low temperatures

VIG remains condensation-free when the temperature difference between inner and outer glass panels reaches 70℃. It guarantees the glass transparency, even used in the refrigeration industry.

8. Safety glass

Fully tempered vacuum glazing is made with 2 pieces of fully tempered glass. The tempered glass used meets EN12150 standard, also can withstand shock under test EN6276 and ASTM Z97. This ensures mass application in the glass facade and prevents possible injury.
Vacuum insulating glass can also be further processed into vacuum laminated glass, vacuum insulated glass to further improve safety performance.

9. Long life

Because vacuum insulation glass is less sensitive to condensation and air leakage, it generally has a longer lifespan than traditional insulation glass. The great advantage of vacuum glass is that the quality remains the same during these years, while the insulating effect of other types of glass decreases over time.

Isolatiewaarde van glas wordt uitgedrukt in de u-waarde. Dit is de hoeveelheid warmte dat door het glas verloren gaat. De u-waarde geeft aan hoeveel warmte (Watt) er per vierkante meter en per graad temperatuurverschil tussen beide zijde wordt doorgelaten. Hoe lager de u-waarde, des te beter het glas isoleert. Anders gezegd: hoe lager de u-waarde des te minder warmteverlies van binnen naar buiten en dus beter voor het leef comfort en de energierekening. 

Aan vacuümglas kunnen eigenschappen worden toegevoegd waardoor bepaalde prestaties aanzienlijk worden verbeterd. Door akoestische poly vynil butyral’s (pvb’s) toe te voegen worden de geluidswerende eigenschappen verbeterd, door het toevoegen van meerdere pvb’s worden de inbraakwerende eigenschappen sterk verbeterd De combinaties zijn legio. Op basis van het (architecten)bestek of aan de hand van bepaalde wensen van de (eind)gebruiker kan de beste glascombinatie worden berekend.

Deze waarde geeft aan hoeveel warmtestraling het vacuümglas tegenhoudt. Hoe lager de g-waarde, hoe meer warmtestraling van de zon het glas tegenhoudt. Een g-waarde van 0.39 betekent dat het glas 39% van de straling doorlaat.