Improving the world of glass

What is vacuum glass?

Vacuum insulating glass is an advanced form of insulating glass that consists of two glass panes that are held at a small distance from each other by means of tiny spacers (pillars), with a vacuum between the two panes.

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Vacuum insulating glass, a conscious choice

Welcome to our website, where we highlight the benefits of vacuum insulating glass and why it is a smart choice for your projects. The relatively new vacuum glass is, despite its small thickness, the best insulating glass currently available on the market.

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Vacuum glass applications

Vacuum glass is particularly suitable if you want to provide a home, office building, monumental building, school or hospital with (better) insulation. Due to the minimal thickness, it is (usually) not necessary to replace frames, but it is possible to achieve an insulation value that is higher than with triple glass.

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GGG Vacuumglas Saphire Onyx particulier

GG-NedVac Vacuum Glass

Vacuum glass from is standard tempered safety glass. Safety glass is glass with such a safe fracture pattern that physical injury is limited.

Our vacuum glass can optionally also be produced as laminated glass. We can produce the most common models in vacuum glass, but non-standard models are always negotiable in consultation.

Advantages of vacuum glass

Vacuum glass is a very thin thermally insulating glass that is extremely suitable for the renovation market. Compared to double and triple glass, vacuum glass is only 8.3 mm thick, so frames do not have to be adjusted. You can easily replace single glass with vacuum glass and significantly improve living comfort and save considerably on the energy bill.

Save on your energy bill

The excellent insulation value of vacuum glass ensures significant savings on your energy bill.

Suitable for monumental buildings

The low U-value (insulation value), low thickness and low weight make vacuum glass ideally suited as monument glass.

Improved noise reduction properties

The medium for sound transmission is air. The vacuum between the two glass plates ensures that the sounds are reduced.

Sustainable and environmentally friendly

In addition to saving energy and long service life, vacuum glass is also a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution. Our vacuum glass is lead -free, recyclable and no harmful substances are needed for production. In addition, vacuum glass has a very long service life (25 years>).

Reference projects


Project Dortmund


GG-NedVac bij Oos Kesbeke


Vacuümglas in woonhuis Castricum


Vacuümglas in bibliotheek Haarlem


Vacuümglas Loppersum


Vacuümglas Amsterdam West


Kerk Enschede








Koetshuis Landgoed Utrecht


Project Rijswijk


Vacuümglas - Haarlem


Vacuümglas – Dublin Ierland


Vacuumglas GG-NedVac U-0.57


Ermelo GG-NedVac Vacuumglas

Isolatiewaarde van glas wordt uitgedrukt in de u-waarde. Dit is de hoeveelheid warmte dat door het glas verloren gaat. De u-waarde geeft aan hoeveel warmte (Watt) er per vierkante meter en per graad temperatuurverschil tussen beide zijde wordt doorgelaten. Hoe lager de u-waarde, des te beter het glas isoleert. Anders gezegd: hoe lager de u-waarde des te minder warmteverlies van binnen naar buiten en dus beter voor het leef comfort en de energierekening. 

Aan vacuümglas kunnen eigenschappen worden toegevoegd waardoor bepaalde prestaties aanzienlijk worden verbeterd. Door akoestische poly vynil butyral’s (pvb’s) toe te voegen worden de geluidswerende eigenschappen verbeterd, door het toevoegen van meerdere pvb’s worden de inbraakwerende eigenschappen sterk verbeterd De combinaties zijn legio. Op basis van het (architecten)bestek of aan de hand van bepaalde wensen van de (eind)gebruiker kan de beste glascombinatie worden berekend.

Deze waarde geeft aan hoeveel warmtestraling het vacuümglas tegenhoudt. Hoe lager de g-waarde, hoe meer warmtestraling van de zon het glas tegenhoudt. Een g-waarde van 0.39 betekent dat het glas 39% van de straling doorlaat.